DC-3Ghz F wadon jack kanggo f plug lanang mundhak Protection Arrester Lightning protector 90V
rf surge Arrester 0-3G 90V TNC male plug to TNC female jack Pelindung Petir
RF kabel tembaga koaksial sma rf konektor lightning protector 0-6Ghz SMA Male plug to female jack surge protector
Pasokan pabrik 50ohm Arrestors tnc female to tnc male plug DC-3G 90V surge lightning protector arrester
RF Gas Discharge Tube DC-6G Lightning(Surge)Protector(Arrester) karo SMA wadon kanggo sma wadon bulkhead Arrestor
F Female ke F Female Jack Surge Arester 0-3Ghz 90V 230V 350V Pelindung Petir Perlindungan Gas Discharge Tabung Arester
Pabrik N DC-3Ghz surge/pelindung petir N male to N female bulkhead arrester/tabung gas discharge protection 90 V
3G 75ohm 230V RF konektor BNC penangkal petir lanang kanggo wadon surge protector
N Male Konektor LMR-400 Kabel Konektor RF N Tipe Plug Male Crimp untuk LMR400 RG8 Coaxial Kabel Solder Kurang Tipe
Jaminan kualitas kabel koaksial RF SRF-7D 7D-FB Kabel lmr 400 kabel koaksial
Kabel koaksial RF low loss KABEL RF LMR 400, kabel audio digital koaksial tipis LMR400
Low loss LMR 100 200 240 300 400 lmr 400 kabel tv, kabel rf