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ขั้วต่อโคแอกเซียล RFVOTON ผลิตขึ้นตั้งแต่ความถี่ 10 ถึงหลายร้อย GHz

ขั้วต่อโคแอกเซียล RF are necessary tools used to link cables in small electronic devices that we use daily such as TV, radio and mobile phone. CoaxialThe term coaxial means that they have two different metal tubes and just the same center line. This odd configuration may appear strange, but it is actually key to sending signals efficiently. The inner conductor a copper wire is inside these unique connectors. These signals are routed through a metal tube covered in what is known as an insulating layer, surrounding this wire. There is also a metal tube on the exterior of connector as well. The second and outer tube does this really important job as it helps to protect the signal from any interference that could degrade/disturb it

Our modern communication systems would not operate in the way that they do without coaxial connectors. For our daily communication, we need to have these connectors that are required for the transmission of all sorts of data and also audio or video signals


สัญญาณความถี่สูงที่ส่งผ่านขั้วต่อโคแอกเซียล RFVOTON อาจป้องกันได้ยาก สายโคแอกเซียลเข้ามาเพราะมีการส่งข้อมูลจำนวนมากในเวลาเดียวกัน ดังนั้นเราจึงต้องแน่ใจว่าสัญญาณเหล่านั้นสะอาดและไม่มีการบิดเบือน เครื่องป้องกันฟ้าผ่า Types of coax connectors with pictures

BNC Connector It is the most common video camera and audio equipment used by connectors. This makes sure the video and audio quality is sharp and bright

Why choose RFVOTON Coaxial connector?


