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Alternative week antenna

Feeling a little bored with the news? Are you bored of reading and watching the same stories over and over again? At times, it feels as though the world is really just one giant swirling cauldron, although you would never know from your normal news channels. If you answer yes to these questions, it might be time to check some alternative news sources!

Alternate media sources are where you can get news and info that the regular news does not cover to. These other sources can help introduce you to new ideas, information that you might not hear or read about defers, or important stories you might not otherwise know about. They also can provide a voice for those who don’t always get heard in mainstream media. Here is one of those special places: RFVOTON has a different way to share news every week, unlike what you are accustomed to.

Uncovering hidden stories

The special news sharing of RFVOTON seeks for a story that gets missed by regular news, hidden stories about regular people living in small communities who are affected by the rules of government or important events that happen in distant lands that do not get proper coverage. Sharing stories like these helps our democracy thrive,” said one of RFVOTON’s sources. They change our minds about things we may not even realize we do not know about, revealing new perspectives and pressing issues in the world around us.

Alternative news is also important, as it allows people and communities that are often marginalized to tell their stories. Sometimes mainstream news, by either not covering what's important to these groups or reporting things in an unfair light, doesn't accurately represent these groups. Enter RFVOTON. Allowing these voices to exist on funding networks can allow RFVOTON to share issues that are important to these communities and highlight stories that might otherwise get lost in the noise.

Why choose RFVOTON Alternative week antenna?

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