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sma and rp sma

SMA vs RP-SMA Connectors

About SMA connectors and RP-SMA connectors are an essential part of RF technology. While they may look very similar on first glance there are some fundamental differences between the two.

Looking at SMA connectors more closely they have centrally mounted pins surrounded by metal sleeves. Ultimately, on the opposite end of these connectors are threads that allow them to screw and lock in place onto an RF port. In contrast, RP-SMA connectors are created with a medium-sized socket positioned centrally within them and enclosed by a serrated plate. On the other end, there are threads and a pin that goes into the socket.

Comparing SMA and RP-SMA:

SMA connectors have a male pin, on the other hand RP-SMA-connectors have female socket. So, while SMA connectors are more universally recognized as the standard for RF applications, RP-SMA becomes that negative space exclusive to certain wireless routers.

Why choose RFVOTON sma and rp sma?

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